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24 Regards sur les Tonalités en 24 Minutes - G. MAYZAUD - Solo Piano

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" Je propose, dans ce recueil de parcourir toutes les tonalités en 24 minutes (ou presque). Je voulais des pièces courtes d'une minute, sans modulation, tenant sur la page de droite, et les explications sur l'autre, permettant à l'élève (avec peut-être l'aide de son professeur) de commencer le travail sans trop de difficultés. En complément des exercices à travailler dans toutes les tonalités que nous trouvons dans la plupart des méthodes (Cortot, Long, Beringer, pour ne citer qu'eux), je propose ces courtes pièces. Si une tonalité est totalement inconnue d'un élève, il pourra ainsi rencontrer cette nouvelle armure, sans pour autant s'engager dans un trop long travail. L'objectif est d'être simple, rapide et efficace. " - Gilles MAYZAUD

12 Pièces pour la Jeunesse - Volume 1 - A. BENVENUTI - Solo Piano

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A series or original pieces for young pianists, varied, fun to play and to hear. From 2 years of piano practice onwards.

12 Pieces pour la Jeunesse - Volume 2 - A. BENVENUTI - Solo Piano

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A series or original pieces for young pianists, varied, fun to play and to hear. From 3 years of piano practice onwards.

Je Joue du Piano avec les Grands - J.-M. ADAGAS - Piano and optional accompaniement (C, Bb or Eb instrument)

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Here is a series of classical piano pieces for young piansists (Telemann, Schumann, Haydn, Beethoven, Tchaïkovsky, Balbastre, Pescetti), but extended to be played with an optionnal accompaniement by C, Bb or Eb instruments. By learning one the proposed themes, the pianist will be able to play the exact same piece alone or with a small ensemble (duet or trio).

Mon Nom Est Métronome - P. PROUST - Piano

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" Everything is in the title ! A small object that the young pianist from the first years of practice doesn't always think to take out of the closet! Not only is it advisable to use it from day one, but also to leave it throughout the piece when performing... This can amuse the audience! " - Pascal PROUST

Les Deux Mulets - P. PROUST - Solo Piano

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" A short piece for young pianists at the start of their apprenticeship, inspired by the reading of a fable by Jean de La Fontaine. " - Pascal PROUST

Cornemuse - P. PROUST - Solo Piano


" An examination or audition piece for young pianists, inspired by the green Scottish countryside. " - Pascal PROUST

Pantomime - P. PROUST - Solo Piano


" A slow movement, evoking those comedians from antiquity who told a story by means of gestures and mimicry, without using words. " - Pascal PROUST

A piece to be played from 2 years of practice.

Comme la surface d'un lac - P. PROUST - Solo Piano


" Two minutes of meditation at the water's edge for young pianists... " - Pascal PROUST

A piece to be played from 2 years of practice.

Marée Basse - Marée Haute - P. PROUST - Solo Piano

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" Two poetic landscapes illustrated by the piano of young performers... " - Pascal PROUST

A piece to be played from 4 years of practice.

Nouvelle Lune - P. PROUST - Solo Piano


" A tender and nostalgic theme, a daydream in the moonlight... " - Pascal PROUST

A piece to be played from 4 years of practice.

Voile Rouge - Voile Blanche - P. PROUST - Solo Piano


" Two small descriptive pieces for your pianists " - Pascal PROUST

A piece to be played from 2-3 years of practice.

Voile Rouge - P. PROUST - Solo Piano


Voile Blanche - P. PROUST - Solo Piano


Prélude et Jonglerie - P. PROUST - Solo Piano


" A short recreational piece for young pianists from 2 years of practice (audition, concert or exam ...). " - Pascal PROUST

Number of products : 54