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Method TrombOlympic - Welcome to Hell! - D. LASSALLE - Solo Trombone


Here is the long awaited new method by LASSALLE Daniel, International Soloist, Teacher at Toulouse and Lyon Conservatoires. This method-catalog, with a preface by Michel BECQUET, offers many exercises, flexibilities, and all that is needed to organize its technical work, whatever your level and your goals are.


Here is the downloadable version, in French, of the famous Trombolympic method by Daniel LASSALLE.
This volume number 3 includes chapters VI, VII, VIII, IX and X. It will help you improve particular and unique aspects of your playing such as : tongue dexterity, arm flexibility, synchronisation of tongue/arm/brain, stamina building with Marathrombone.
The volume also includes different 'menus' of warmups of 10 to 30 minutes, picking up exercises from all three volumes.

Method Tout en Souplesse! - E. SOUCHOIS - Solo Trombone

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This method is targeted to young trombonists. It provides several exercises for flexibility that can be used during the first 5 years of trombone practice.
A MP3 audio playback is available for each exercise here. Playing with an audio accompaniment makes the technical work of flexibility more fun and musical.

Orchestrades - Discovery of the Symphonic Repertoire for Trombone - D. LOCQUENEUX - Solo Trombone


" I propose to you, in this book, to work on 15 orchestral excerpts among those that are the most often imposed in competitions. Teachers wishing to make their students discover the symphonic repertoire for trombone can also use this book.
For each of the 15 excerpts, I share with you the preparatory exercices that I created and that I am used to use before my concerts. " - David LOCQUENEUX

14 Characteristic Studies ARBAN (with accompaniment CDs) - Solo Trombone

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The famous Characteristic Studies from ARBAN's Method revised, updated and dramatically modernised by Claude EGEA

Children's Songs for the Young Trombonist - TRADITIONAL - Solo Trombone


15 Atonal Studies - J. NAULAIS - Solo Trombone

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A series of atonal studies by the famous Jérôme Naulais

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StarTrombone is a learning method for young trombonists, accessible from 5 years old. StarTrombone provides exercises using voluntarily only positions 1 to 4 of the trombone because positions 5, 6 and 7 are difficult to reach for young children.

Audio accompaniments are available here for each exercise, with and without the sound of the trombone. They will be useful to help young students to set the right height of the sounds, to place themselves rhythmically, in short to learn while having fun.

Qui Fait Quoi ? - P. PROUST - Solo Trombone

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" 6 very varied short movements for young instrumentalists, 6 characters whose first name rhymes with their profession " - Pascal PROUST

Deux Médiévales - P. PROUST - Solo Trombone


" Two small pictures of everyday life in the Middle Ages set to music, from 5 years of instrument practice. " - Pascal PROUST

Variations Azimutées - P. PROUST - Solo Trombone


" A theme and little crazy variations, without accompaniment, for young instrumentalists from 6-7 years of practice " - Pascal PROUST

A Bacchus ! - P. PROUST - Solo Trombone


" An examination or audition piece for trombonists from 8 years of practice. An ode to the famous God of Wine! " - Pascal PROUST

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" Freely inspired by the famous Raymond Queneau's book, I wanted to write a piece that could be played by low-pitched solo brass instrument. It can be played by a Tuba, an Euphonium or a Bb Saxhorn, a Trombone or a F Horn player. This version is for Trombone or Bass Trombone. The others are available as well. This piece can be played from an exam from 8 years of instrument practice. " - Arnaud MEIER

Sketch 1 - J. NAULAIS - Solo Trombone


" These "sketches" are atonal contemporary pieces with very contrasting reliefs. Their character is deliberately very dynamic. " - Jérôme NAULAIS

Number of products : 37